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Depression: What is it? How can we treat it with the assistance of a specialist?

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders. It can manifest as deep sadness, which affects the body, thoughts and emotions.

All that brought pleasure and satisfaction in the past is now a distant memory. Now, what used to be a symbol of purpose and meaning is nothing.

The sufferer’s universe narrows and the person with it has less joy, creativity motivation, vitality, confidence or a lust for life. Children, adolescents, and adults can all experience this loss of joy. The causes can be complicated.

Scientific advancement brings us closer towards understanding the causes of depression and implicitly closer to finding solutions. Fortunately, depression is treatable, but successful healing depends on a bio-psycho-social/relational approach. A depressive episode can cause a change in the chemical composition of our brains, which is associated with a decrease or increase in dopamine and serotonin levels.

Although medication can provide some results, it is not sufficient. Our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions can also influence brain chemistry. Psychotherapy is a good option.

The correct psychotherapeutic process will reveal the root causes of the symptoms, and most importantly, the resources. The goal of psychotherapy is to reduce the suffering period. This is a huge benefit, considering that some depressive symptoms can last up to five years.

Our psyche is constantly in a state of adjustment. Life is a long, difficult process of adaptation. The frustration and suffering that comes with a lifeless one, as well as the loss of satisfaction, can help us understand what is missing, and lead to struggle for meaning.

Psychotherapeutic approaches can help you understand, accept and manifest your suffering. Tolerance is a key component of living a full life.

The depressive mood can be exacerbated by isolation and the abandonment of daily life. Therefore, the therapeutic approach seeks to identify the aspects that are within the patient’s control.

It is possible to make a positive difference by eating healthy, exercising, and keeping your body clean. Although it might seem difficult at first, you will see positive changes as you increase your frequency.

Depression is silent, but it is evident. Empathy, trust, and acceptance are the keys to a therapeutic relationship that allows patients to talk freely and promotes healing.

Suicide is the biggest danger for someone who is suffering from depression. Suicide attempts can have devastating consequences for one’s self and others around you. It can be difficult to know where to start, from suicidal thoughts to making a plan and putting it into action.

Psychotherapy can help prevent these events by identifying emotional regulation mechanism. A creative activity could help subliminate anger directed at yourself.

Depression is often associated with anxiety, addictions, and other psychological issues. This makes it more difficult, but there are also solutions.

We don’t have to be ashamed of our depression. It is normal to experience more difficult times in life, even if it seems like everything is over. However, we can then accept that our psyche was able to get through that time.

The more we wait, the more severe the symptoms can become. We should pay more attention to prevention. It is important to reflect on what causes joy and sorrow, what affects our relationships with our families, friends, and the world, and to find ways to live with vitality and love.

The emotional well-being of its citizens is something that no society should overlook. Access to information, education and support programs are all possible ways to make a difference. It’s much more costly to treat than it is to prevent.

How can we inform the children that their parents are divorcing

Children will remember their parents’ decisions to divorce or separate for the rest their lives. There is no one right way or perfect recipe that will ensure your child doesn’t suffer. It is a good idea to remember some principles when talking about divorce or separation with your children. These principles will help children navigate divorce more easily.


1. You must make sure that you have enough time. It is not a good idea for any family member to rush to complete other tasks immediately after the discussion, particularly parents.

2. Pick a time when there is no distractions.

3. Tell your children to turn off their phones and radios, and that you have an important message for them.

4. All members of the family should attend. If the family includes several members, the news of divorce should not be shared with each child.


1. Both parents will discuss with their children the manner in which the news will be passed to them.

2. It is a good idea for both parents to speak up during the conversation with the children. The goal is not to convey to the children that only one of the parents is responsible/guilty/strong and that the other is the victim/weak/irresponsible.

3. Children don’t need to hear accusations. Parents should not be arguing. The discussion focuses on the children. Both partners are responsible for making the transition to the new stage in their families’ lives easier. Children are not interested in settling accounts, anger, or suffering.


Communicate clearly, concisely, and honestly. Use concrete data.

Example: According to experts Sandra Volgy Everett (in “Healthy Divorce”): I know that me, mom/me, and dad have had their problems and misunderstandings lately. You might have heard us argue (even though we tried to avoid it in your presence).

We decided to live apart for a month in order to see how we feel. We will seek therapy to try to find answers. This was what we hoped for, but it is not certain. Next week, dad will move into his own apartment. While you can come to the apartment for a part of it, you will still live with your mother in the house. You will be able to have your own place in the apartment by bringing some toys with you. We will all be available to you if you need us, and we will see one another quite often for different things.

It is not your fault, tell the children.

Example: This is not your fault. This is not your fault and you cannot change it. As lovers and husbands and wives, our problems are between us. Only we can find solutions and take decisions.

Your love for your children will never change.

Example: You and I love each other very deeply. Our bond as parents will last a lifetime. We will never leave you. Both of us will be your parents for the rest our lives.

Give your children the opportunity to answer all of their questions.

Example: You can talk to us about it whenever you like, to ask questions and to provide feedback. We are happy to help you.

Allow children to have whatever reaction they desire: anger, fear, anger, indifference. Accept any emotion that arises.

Once you have shared the news with them, be available to them both and answer any questions they might have. Sometimes the questions are only answered after a few weeks or days after the decision is made. Other times they appear immediately.

Dysgraphia in children

Dysgraphia (or learning disorder) affects writing skills. Dysgraphia can manifest as poor spelling, handwriting problems and difficulties when it comes to putting your thoughts down on paper. It is not enough to state that dysgraphia affects students writing. Writing requires complex information processing and functional skills. Students with dysgraphia in writing will benefit from adaptations to the learning environment and the practice of becoming a better writer.

What is Dysgraphia?

Dysgraphia, a learning disability that impacts writing skills, is also known as dysgraphia. Dysgraphia can manifest as poor spelling, handwriting problems and difficulties when it comes to putting your thoughts down on paper. It is not enough to state that dysgraphia affects students writing. Writing requires complex information processing and functional skills. Students with dysgraphia in writing will benefit from adaptations to the learning environment and the practice of becoming a better writer.

What are the signs of dysgraphia and what can you do to prevent it?

Dysgraphia is not a condition where a person’s handwriting is poor. Dysgraphia can cause difficulties throughout your life. Writing is a developmental process. Children learn motor skills to write, and the difficulties may overlap with the learning of the thinking skills needed to put pen to paper.

Additional help is available for those who have problems in any of these areas.

  • The pencil’s grip in your hand is tight and unusual
  • Position of the body
  • Illegible handwriting
  • Avoid writing or drawing requirements
  • Rapid fatigue when writing
  • Speak the words aloud while you write
  • Do not finish sentences or omit words.
  • Organizing thoughts on paper can be difficult.
  • Problems at the level syntactic or grammatical structures
  • Speeches show large gaps between the written and spoken ideas.

Which strategies are most useful?

There are many strategies that you can use to help dysgraphic people succeed. The strategies generally fall into three categories.

Accommodation: providing alternatives for written expression.

Modification is the changing of expectations or tasks in order to reduce or eliminate an area of weakness.

Remedial: Instruction to improve handwriting and writing skills.

When planning instruction or support for struggling students, it is important to consider all possible strategies. Dysgraphia sufferers will benefit from both the expert and those closest to them. The best way to find the right support for you is to openly brainstorm with others and try out different ideas.

Here are some examples that will help people with dysgraphia overcome their difficulties writing.

Early writers

The maps with lines pointed upwards can be used as sensory guides to help the student understand the drawn lines.

To find the best one, you can try different pencils and pens.

To improve motor memory, practice writing letters and numbers with long arm movements in the air. Practice writing letters and numbers in the air with smaller finger or hand movements.

Encourages self-control and good posture. These habits should be changed as soon as possible, otherwise it may prove difficult to break them later.

Multi-sensory methods are used to learn numbers, shapes, and letters.

A word processor can be introduced to a child as soon as possible. It does not remove handwriting from the child’s hands. Typing can make it easier to write letters by reducing the frustration involved in forming them, but handwriting is still essential for a person’s ability function in the real world.

Keep your patience and be positive. Encourage practice and praise efforts. To become a great writer, it takes practice and time.
Young students

If they feel at ease, they will allow print to be used.

Large graph paper is a good choice for math calculations. It helps to organize rows and columns.

Give yourself extra time to answer the questions in writing.

You can creatively start the requirements by drawing them or by sharing your ideas using a tape recorder.

Alternate which element the written exercises are focused. In some cases, you can focus on the cleanliness of the sheet and spelling in others. In other cases, you can highlight grammar or organization of ideas.

He explicitly teaches various types of writing, including expository and personal essays as well as short stories and poems.

This does not slow down the time that students need to proofread and correct their writing.

It is much easier to correct mistakes made by students after a break.

Students can help create a checklist for writing: grammar, syntax, spelling, clarity of ideas, and syntax.

Encourages you to use a spell-checker. Spell checkers can also be used for handwriting.

Avoid copying exercises and instead focus on writing original answers and ideas.

Students should work in small groups and not try to do everything at once.

You can also use visual projects or verbal reports to assess knowledge.

Encourage practicing low-stress writing activities such as journaling, writing letters, journaling and making a list for the household.
Adults and adolescents

Recorded material is provided to complement the notes taken and prepare them in writing.

Make a step-by, detailed plan that breaks down the writing task in small tasks.

When you organize your writing project, make a list of keywords that are useful.

It gives clear and constructive feedback about the quality of work, explains the strengths and weaknesses, and comments on the structure.

If the mechanical aspects or writing are a problem, you can use technological assistance such as voice software.

These tricks are great for groups of any age. You don’t have to be an expert writer to start writing.

Teachers and staff are legally required to provide “reasonable accommodation” for learners with learning disabilities. However, many people don’t know how they can help. Discuss dysgraphia with them and the difficulties you are facing due to your learning disabilities.
How to approach writing exercises

Plan: Gather all your ideas and put them together. Then, think about how you would arrange them in writing.

Organise your thoughts and ideas

To ensure you have all your ideas in one place, create a graphic organizer or outline.
You should make a list of key ideas and thoughts that you want to include in your paper.

Draft: Write your first draft. Don’t worry too much about grammar or spelling mistakes. A computer can be helpful because it makes the correction process much easier.

Corrections: Make sure your paper is correct in spelling, grammar, and syntax. If necessary, use a spell-checker. To improve and clarify your content, edit it. A thesaurus can be useful for finding alternative ways to express your point of view.

Revisions are necessary to complete the final form. Before you send it, make sure to read the paper again.

Raising the child you have is better than raising the one you wish to have

A parent of a child who has a low or average schooling level will find it difficult to accept that their child won’t be the person he hoped. There are very few chances that your child will become Einstein or Nadia Comaneci. Even more, there is no chance of him becoming the next Bill Gates or Taylor Swift.

Your child is different than you as a child.

Accepting that your child is not your child or a copy of you is one of the most difficult parenting challenges. It is different from you.

Parents nurture dreams and hopes for their children from the moment they are born. Academic success, fame, fortune, and sports achievements are all possible. What parent wouldn’t want his child to have the same opportunities as he did? Who hasn’t wondered… Is this the child that will fulfill my unfulfilled dreams of becoming a celebrity, the scientist, athlete, or artist I wished to be but couldn’t?

It can be difficult to accept that your child still has…mediocre talents.
A parent of a child with a normal child may find it difficult to accept that their child won’t be the person they hoped. He is not Einstein, he’s not Nadia Comaneci and he won’t be the next Bill Gates.

Accepting that your little one is different from you is even more difficult. Your little girl may not share your passion for hiking, and the boy might not be interested in becoming a doctor. In general, children will want to make choices that are different from the ones you have made or wish they had made.

It is more difficult to meet modern parenting requirements when your child has a disability.

Refusal by parents to accept the limitations of their child

There is an overwhelming desire not to accept a diagnosis. Even more common is refusing to see a doctor with the child to get a diagnosis. This is not how anyone would express their denial. Parents often claim that their child should not be “labeled”. People also claim that children with learning disabilities and psychiatric disabilities are often “over-diagnosed”.

These statements contain a variety of truths and myths, but mainly they are assumptions that cannot be supported by scientific evidence.

This includes the belief that the diagnosis is just the impressions of the professional who evaluated them. Assuming that children often are diagnosed with disabilities when they don’t present, I believe that a diagnosis is an unpleasant “label” that should be avoided as it can only hurt a child.

Of course, it is not the fear that the little one will “be labeled”, but the fear that the parent of the child will be labeled as having a less-than-perfect child. It is nothing but denial.

What does the diagnosis learning disability or psychosis mean?

People who are afraid of “labeling” assume that the diagnosis is arbitrarily made. The specialist or psychologist sees the child, and then draws some impressions from the meeting. He then determines whether he can diagnose the child. Neuro-psychological testing is often used to diagnose a disability.

Neuro-psychological testing can be complex and extensive. There are many tests that can be used to diagnose every type of disability. A diagnosis is more than an “impression”. It is a report of 15-20 pages detailing the results and explaining the difficulties found in the child. The report also includes a plan for intervention that is tailored to each child’s learning style.

The second hypothesis concerns the “over-diagnosis” of children with learning and psychiatric disabilities. This means that children are often misdiagnosed. This assumption is only made with children in mind. Nobody is suggesting that adults are “overdiagnosed”. While it is commonly believed that this is a problem that affects children only, no one can explain why “over-diagnosis” occurs in those who are not as young as the little ones.

Does scientific evidence support the claim that children who behave normally may have learning disorders?

Although I couldn’t find any evidence in the literature on psychiatry, I did find numerous hypotheses in the literature on education that this phenomenon occurs. These hypotheses, however, were not supported by empirical evidence.

Parents can seek out professionals who will diagnose their child if they don’t have the right tests. These tests can be very expensive, and you cannot guarantee that they will give the right result. The tests can be replaced by a consultation with a psychologist, or an educator specialist. This is not a case of children being diagnosed with disabilities they don’t have. This is an example where a child is given a diagnosis without undergoing a proper evaluation.

Is it harmful for the child to be labeled?

What can we say regarding “labeling?” Does “labeling” cause harm to children? I couldn’t find one. This question isn’t asking the right questions. Children with learning disabilities or psychiatric disabilities have been labeled “stupid,” difficult, “lazy” and “problem makers.” An explanation for a diagnosis can replace any labels that indicate that a child is responsible to his own problems.

There is a way for both the teacher and the child to understand the difficulties without blaming the child. Diagnosis can transform a “stupid child” into a dyslexic one and open up a range of options for dealing with the problem.

The diagnosis transforms the “difficult child” into an Asperger Syndrome child, who is essentially unable to respond appropriately to daily situations. It also opens up the possibility of a new series of strategies and generates sympathy and support from teachers instead of disdain.

The balanced child: 9 parenting tips for parents

A mentally balanced child is one that is mentally prepared for success. Parents have the greatest responsibility to prepare their children for the difficult years after childhood.

These are 9 ways to help your child develop healthy habits and make them successful using positive parenting techniques.

1. You define success according to your terms

Begin by thinking about what qualities your child should have once he leaves home. This could be college or any other post-secondary school. Your mission statement as parent is how you define success. Many families are unaware of this and continue to believe that success is a fuzzy concept. Do not listen to pressure from your parents. Be informed and trust your instincts.

2. It clearly delineates play time, learning time, and family time. Avoid crowding.

Children require a lot of time to do their most important job, play. All children need time to dream and reflect. Families need to spend time together, at the table, on vacations and on weekends, to bond and forge lasting relationships.

3. Be a loving parent to your children.

Healthy emotional development starts with the feeling of love. Your children should feel loved for their uniqueness and not for what they do. It celebrates each child’s uniqueness.

4. Set limits and discipline.

There are two types of parenting: disciplinarian and warm. While warm parenting is more common, disciplinary parenting can be just as important. When parents are willing to place limits, children feel secure and that they care about them. Children learn valuable skills like self-control, frustration tolerance and problem solving. Set limits and don’t be afraid of your child’s occasional anger or outrage. It will pass.

5. Allow children to make mistakes.

Children today have unprecedented amounts of parental guidance and intervention. Let the children be independent and let them play. Encourage them to take risks, and let them make mistakes. Allow them to take risks, be self-directed, and have more resilience.

6. Take responsibility for your home and community.

Children can help with chores in an age-appropriate manner. You must take the time to teach your children how to complete household chores and then allow them to perform the tasks in a different way (or sometimes better) than you would. Children are reminded that they can contribute and are capable members of their family, not just an entitled member. Encourage your children to become active members of their community as they grow up and show them by being involved in their lives.

7. Disconnection.

Limit the time that your children spend on TV, playing instant messaging, screen-based games, and playing computer games. A good start point for young children is to limit their screen time to less than an hour per day. Older children need to be limited in the amount of time they spend on the screen and the content they view. Screen time is not the same for everyone. You need to know what your child is seeing and with whom. Children need to spend a lot time outdoors and with people they can trust.

8. Reduces performance pressure.

Parents often ask their children the most common question: “How did your test score?” Did you do your homework? Children are taught that results and performance are more important than their ability to perform. Instead, stress the importance of hard work and effort by asking open-ended, nonjudgmental questions like “How was your day?”

9. Unlearn the myths surrounding universities

Your children should be aware that there are many paths to success after highschool. There are many great faculties, each with different strengths and personalities. Not all of them are right for everyone. Your child’s “right calling” should be found. Some students may be more successful at smaller colleges, while others might do well in other post-secondary options, such as travel programs or gap years.

Five natural ways to eliminate blackheads

Beauty is the most common concern for women. Women want healthy skin that is clear and glowing. This gives them confidence and makes them feel beautiful. Blackheads are the enemy of your skin. We have 5 natural ways to remove them at home.


Steam is one of the best home remedies for blackheads. Bring a pot of boiling water to boil. Once the water has boiled, let the steam cool down and then expose your face to the steam. Be careful not to burn your skin. To direct the steam more effectively to your face, place a towel on top of your head. Continue this position for several minutes until your skin becomes soft. The black spots will naturally disappear.

Salt and lemon

Combining lemon juice with salt makes a strong astringent that can be used to clean the skin of impurities as well as blackheads. Use a teaspoonful of salt and the juice from a small lemon to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area. Rinse your face with warm water after 10 minutes.

Sodium bicarbonate

Everyone knows and appreciates the benefits of sodium bicarbonate for beauty and body care. This can be used to clean the skin and prevent blackheads. Additionally, sodium bicarbonate can transform an acidic environment to a basic, alkaline one, which is a benefit for the skin. Use a teaspoonful of sodium bicarbonate and a tablespoonful of water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area using black dots. Wait until it dries. Rinse the area with warm water.


Honey, although it may not seem as convincing or strange as you might think, can also be used to remove unsightly blackheads from the skin and intensively nourish the skin. Apply the honey to the affected area and allow it to work for around 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water.


Toothpaste is astringent and can be used to remove blackheads. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the affected area. Wait for it to dry. This will make it much easier for impurities to reach the surface.

Dry and cracked heels: Causes and natural remedies

Dry and cracked heels can be a problem for both aesthetic reasons as well as health. This is because if the heels are badly damaged, they can lead to skin infections. Although the condition is most common in older people, it has been increasing popular among younger people.

What causes cracked and dry heels?

In summer, dry, cracked heels can be caused by inappropriate footwear. However, if such heels are present in winter, an unhealthy diet could also be a factor. Lack of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids in your daily diet can lead to skin dehydration over time. This is combined with prolonged sun exposure and prolonged standing that encourages the development of blisters and peeling. Conversely, people who are overweight are more likely to develop cracked and dry heels.

How can we avoid heel damage?

A balanced diet is essential. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of fluids per day. A good foot routine is a must for healthy and beautiful skin. Use strong moisturizing creams and exfoliate your heels at least twice per week. You can use creams based on vitamin E and E, avocado and marigold. It is recommended to massage the soles each night before you go to bed to prevent drying your heels and relax your whole body. We recommend that you put cotton socks on your feet to sleep over night after any treatment to the soles.

How do we effectively exfoliate our heels?

There are many other natural solutions to exfoliate the dead skin on the heels. There are many abrasive creams that have a peeling effect, which can be purchased in pharmacies. However, you can make your own at-home recipe. Coffee grounds, wheat bran and flour can all be used to clean the heels. Before exfoliating, warm water should be used to soak the feet. This will accelerate the process of softening your dermis and allow for subsequent exfoliation.

Natural remedies for cracked and dry heels

This wonderful natural ingredient, honey, has a positive effect on the skin. Its nutrients and moisturizing ability make it a great remedy for sore heels. Honey is also antibacterial and can prevent skin infections. You can soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes with a little honey cup. Next, scrub your feet with any of the natural scrubs mentioned above. Finally, apply honey to the heels and let it work for 10 minutes. A paste made from mashed bananas and avocados can be applied to the soles. This is another recipe that produces extraordinary results. Your skin will appear soft and smooth due to the high levels of vitamins, nutrients, and essential oils in these two fruits. You should still apply the treatment every night for at least one week. Paraffin oil, shea butter, olive, almond, sesame, sesame and sesame vegetable oils are all good options for treating the heels. Vitamin A and E can be added to the above recipes if your heels become dry and have cracks in the dermis. To increase circulation, you should avoid walking barefoot in your home.

Bathroom errors that can affect our health

True, many times, our habits cause us to do things we don’t realize are harmful. Routines help us solve our problems more quickly and save valuable time. However, routine blinds us and makes us feel like puppets. Routines can in some cases be harmful to our health. You think you know where the crime scene is. We’ll tell you: in the bathroom!

They directly attack the skin

Do you like to take hot showers and baths? Relaxation is a good thing, but it can also dehydrate your skin and cause damage to the natural oils in your skin. Do you want to relax with flaky and dry skin? It’s better not to! Use warm water for short showers, and add moisturizing natural oil to foam baths.

Attention to the towel!

The towel must be viewed from two perspectives: the material and how it is used to wipe our skin. Use only soft, cotton towels. We should never rub our skin after getting out of the shower. You should gently dab the skin so that it doesn’t get irritated and dried further. It is also important to apply a moisturizing cream.

How often do you change your towel in the bath? Is it common to use the same towel for all parts of your body? We could go on and on about all the questions, but let’s just tell you the right ritual. Each person should have his or her own towel. Even if the towel is for your hands, it should not be shared. You should use separate towels for your face, your body, and your feet. The towel can be a breeding ground of germs and bacteria if it is not changed regularly. To avoid skin irritations or activation, people with sensitive skin should change their towels at least twice per week.

Hygiene is important!

The razors we use to remove hair are another place that bacteria and microbes love. Use disposable devices as often as possible and change the blades after every epilation. Keep it safe and secure. You run the risk of getting cut and your chances of developing skin diseases or infections is greatly increased.

Toothbrush: A possible enemy?

Yes! Yes! There is a high risk of them getting into your mouth and into your whole body. The only solution is a toothbrush with a cover. Make sure to choose a toothbrush with germ protection and that you change the brush at least every three months.

Five lesser-known beauty uses of aloe vera

Aloe vera is the main ingredient in certain beauty products and food supplements. Why is this? We can tell you that aloe Vera is a miracle herb with many health and beauty benefits. It is well-known for its immune stimulating effects, as well as its ability to regulate blood cholesterol and improve digestion. We will now discuss 5 lesser-known uses of aloe verde gel in beautification. This gel can be found in the fleshy aloe vera leaves.

Aloe vera for hair

Many hair products contain aloe vera gel as the main ingredient. It prevents hair from falling and stimulates its growth. It is also effective for oily and dry hair. Aloe vera gel moisturizes dry hair, protects against split ends and maintains the balance of sebum production. The gel can be used to massage the scalp, or applied to the ends that are damaged as an alternative to the oil for ends.

Aloe Vera shaving gel

Aloe vera gel is a great alternative to traditional shaving foam. It can also be mixed with other products. The green gel is both a friend and a ally because of its anti-inflammatory properties as well as the high level of moisturizing enzymes.

Aloe vera moisturizing cream

Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the skin in the form a mask. This is the best treatment for sensitive, acneic or very dry skin. The results are instant. Apply the cream to your face, and rinse with cold water after about 10-20 minutes.

Aloe vera is a fixative for your eyebrows

Aloe vera gel can be used to calm unruly eyebrows. The gel can be applied directly to the eyebrows, so no need for eyeshadow or eyebrow pencil.

Aloe vera is a treatment for pimples and burns

Aloe vera is the best treatment for burns. This includes those that occur in the home, such as the kitchen, or those caused by direct sunlight. Aloe vera can also be used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, ulcers, and psoriasis. Aloe vera is effective in fighting pimples when applied to the problem area at night and left to work until morning.

Psychotherapists share 10 parenting tips

These 10 parenting tips are applicable to all ages, regardless of whether your child is a youngster or a parent. These parenting tips, which are based not only on psychological development of children but also reality about the challenges that many adults face, will help build a solid foundation for your child’s mental well-being. Your child will become a self-confident, independent, balanced, and empathetic adult who can face all the challenges of life.

1. Treat your child the same as you treat any other human being.

This approach has many dimensions. I encourage parents to connect with their child from the very beginning.

Always talk to him and show respect.
Don’t tell him to do something, but use politeness when you ask for something.
Give him the freedom to make his own decisions

These parenting tips will have long-lasting effects – self-confidence, decision-making skills, and respect for others.

2. Teach him how to be responsible (to do something, take care of someone, answer for his actions).

This parenting advice will have long-lasting effects on self-esteem and ability to take on responsibilities in managing various life situations.

3. Even in the most difficult situations, tell your child the truth, even if it involves the separation of parents, changes to family life, or any losses.

It starts by explaining to him the meaning of a lie and how it affects others.

This parenting advice can have long-term benefits, such as mutual trust between parents and children, managing anxiety, and increasing tolerance for difficult situations. However, these issues can be overcome.

4. Teach him about privacy.

It is important to protect the child’s privacy at all stages of its development, regardless of its meaning. When the child is between 3-4 and 13-14 years old, it is important to ask permission to enter the room of the child or knock on the door.

Make it a policy to protect your privacy as a parent.

This parenting advice will have long-lasting effects. He will be able to ask for privacy and boundaries to be respected in adulthood, but also to respect privacy needs of others.

5. Learn from him the meaning of limits and how to set them.

Limits should be imposed gently, but firmly, on safety and the safety of others, social interaction, and living with others. This parenting advice will have long-term consequences – the ability for people to live in harmony with each other and the community, and to respect the rules in the educational, professional, and social environments.

6. Expect realistic expectations of your child.

The child is not the improved version of you that must succeed, it is not a dough to match your appearance or ideal model. You are not a trophy to display in front others.

Don’t force him to follow a path he doesn’t want, don’t expect unrealistic performance, and don’t overwhelm him with demands.

This parenting advice has long-term benefits – a person with strong self-esteem (not excused self-esteem but not false self-esteem), who is able to make his own decisions and take responsibility. This positioning allows for a smooth functioning of the parent-child relationship without regrets, resentments, or the desire to leave once you reach adulthood.

7. You should not confine your child to a controlled environment, free from any worries, problems, or influence.

Don’t protect him from everything. Instead, let him face the facts. If he can do it himself, don’t do it for him. Accept that he may experience failures and frustrations.

This parenting advice will have long-lasting effects on self-esteem and self-control. It will also increase your ability to take responsibility for your actions and make decisions.

8. Get to know his friends

The ability to copy the behaviour of friends begins at a young age and often goes beyond adulthood. The importance of the entourage is crucial in the adolescent years. As a parent, it is essential to know who your child spends his time with, what he values, and how he invests his time as friends.

The parent’s access and ability to communicate with the child’s friends must be a key part of the parent-child relationship. This parenting advice will have long-lasting effects on the parent-child relationship of trust and anticipating or managing difficult situations.

9. Your child shouldn’t be held responsible for your mistakes

Don’t make your child the reason for your decisions. You can solve your own problems as a parent and seek out help when necessary. Keep in mind, however, that in most cases, the behavior problems of the children are the result of dysfunctional parents.

This parenting advice has long-lasting effects. Self-confidence and avoiding guilt are two of the benefits. .

10. If the parent-child relationship is not working, ask for help.

You feel you are unable to reach your child, or that he would require specialized assistance. This applies regardless of age. Calling for specialist help on time can be a crucial and vital part of today’s existence and tomorrow’s.